Article I: Name
Article II: Purpose
Article III: Membership
Article IV: Officers
Article V: Elections / Appointments
Article VI: Meetings
Article VII: Motorcycles
Article VIII: Logos & Regalia
Article IX: Events
Article X: Finances, Fees
Article XI: Charges & Disputes
Article XII: Property
Article XIII: Membership Pledge
The Overseers Chapter, Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association is dedicated to the
advancement, support, and aspirations of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association and Ohio Freemasonry.
It is the pledge of the membership to support the welfare and general well-being of the International, Northern Jurisdiction and Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
It is the pledge of the membership to obey, without reservation, all laws, edicts and orders imposed on the Overseers Chapter by the President of the Chapter and the Ohio Grand Chapter President of Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
It is the pledge of each member to conduct himself or his business, when wearing the Widows Sons patch, or otherwise representing the Widows Sons in direct accordance to the by-laws of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Mason of Ohio, the Blue Lodge, in which he is a petitioner or member thereof, the Overseers Chapter and the Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
It is the pledge of all members and officers to govern themselves and behave in a manner that exonerates and positively promotes the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, the Overseers Chapter, of which he is a member and Freemasonry in general.
It is the pledge of the Chapter President and Officers to enhance the welfare and general well- being of the Overseers Chapter and the Ohio Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
It is the pledge of the President and his Officers to rule and guide the chapter with regularity, and to base all decisions on the improvement of the Chapter and Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
Article I
Art I Section 1: Name
A. This organization shall be known as The Overseers Chapter: Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Ohio, a “Not for Profit” Organization primary located in Huron, Lorain, Erie, Ashland, Seneca. Crawford and Sandusky counties, State of Ohio with the principle mailing address of: The Overseers Chapter of Widows Sons, 2942 Chenango Rd. Wakeman, Ohio 44889 (Ref: OGC Art I Sec 1.B)
Art I Section 2: Affiliation
A. This organization; The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall be a descendant chapter of and affiliated with the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter and comply with the Grand Chapter Constitution and By-laws. The Overseers Widows Sons in not affiliated with the Masonic Organization of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio with the exception of membership requirements contained herein.
Art I Section 3: Membership
A. The Overseers Chapter reserves the right to and shall have jurisdiction over the principal counties of Huron, Lorain, Erie, Ashland, Seneca, Crawford and Sandusky Counties of Ohio as governed by consideration of the Ohio Grand Chapter. (Ref: OGC Art I Sec 2 B)
Art I Section 4: Revocation
A. The Overseers Chapter of the Ohio Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association reserves the right to issue, deny or revoke membership all all use of the copyrighted Widows Sons patch to any member in which a patch has been issued within the boundaries of the Overseers Chapter, who violated the by-laws of the Grand Lodge F&AM of Ohio, and/or the by-laws of the Overseers Chapter and/or Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons, and/or governs themselves in an un-Masonic manner, and/or brings disgrace or embarrassment to any chapter of the Widows Sons Association, and/or any Blue Lodge, Grand Lodge or body of Masons.
(Ref: OGC Art 1 Sec 4)
Art I Section 5: Resolve
A. This Constitution and By-Laws of the Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall be the governing document of the chapter and shall be in compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter. Use of this document permitted upon submission to and approval of said Ohio Grand Chapter. The Overseers Chapter secretary shall be the custodian of this document with copies on file with the Ohio Grand Chapter. (Ref: OGC Art 1 Sec 5, Art IV Sec 4)
Article II
Art II Section 1: Purpose
A. It shall be the goal and objective of the Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association to persuade and encourage their membership to remain in good standing in the records of the Blue Lodge, to engage in proper conduct and practice reasonable and legal activities designed to demonstrate and influence the positive standards of Freemasonry, Motorcyclist, and Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association to the general public.
(Ref: OGC Art II Sec. 1)
1.B In order to send out a consistent message, the following description shall be given to any member of the public, law enforcement, motorcycle clubs, or Masonic bodies
that inquire what or who the Widows Sons are. 'The Widows Sons is a Masonic Riders Association whose members consist of Freemasons of good standing within their lodge. Chapters exist throughout North America and beyond, with its main purpose to promote Freemasonry among motorcycle riders, and motorcycles to Freemasons, and the public in general. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 4)
Art II Section 2: Conduct
A. This organization shall not engage in political, religious activities or conduct that promotes separation rather than unity, or cause disharmony within the chapter. It is the duty of the Chapter President to cease any inharmonious activity that may cause disagreement or controversy in this chapter.
2.B Any member who is proven to disregard or disobey a direct order by the president, to cease any activity determined by the by the president to injurious to the chapter, will be expelled from the chapter. Neglect or weak enforcement of this policy is grounds for the Grand Chapter to remove a president and/or his officers from their office.
2.C No Member shall be a member of or wear apparel or otherwise show support for
any 1% Club or Organization.
2.D It shall be the intention of this chapter to obtain proper, reasonable and legal means
whereby we may protect the Overseers Chapter and/or Widows Sons Association from any threat caused by person(s) outside or within any chapter. It shall be the goal of this chapter to file in writing to the Ohio Grand Chapter within five (5) business days any potential violations of this section. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 2)
Art II Section 3: Objective
A. It shall be the objective of this chapter of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Ohio to contribute to the relief of the Widows of Master Masons within the boundaries of this jurisdiction and/or to endeavor in and/or to promote and contribute to other community and charitable efforts, specifically including the support of Masonic related charities and other Widows Sons chapters in the Ohio jurisdiction. (Ref: OGC Art II Sec 2 A)
Art II Section 4: Goals
A. It shall further be a goal and objectives of this organization to manage, invest, expand or otherwise use forbids, property, and personnel of the organization to achieve objectives set forth in this constitution and for such additional purpose to further the interest of the Overseers Chapter members directly or indirectly, however this chapter shall not engage, other than as an insubstantial part of its activities, in activities not in furtherance of the organization's charitable purpose, specifically including the support of Masonic related charities and other Widows Sons Chapters in Ohio. (Ref: OGC Art II Sec 2 A&B)
Art II Section 5: Interest
A. We recognize that our organization is not limited to those things and objective which directly affect those matters and things set out in this article, but extend to all types of economic and social activities, including, but not limited to activities of fraternal, charitable, welfare, and of social nature which directly or indirectly furthers the interests of the organization or it's members. Participation in, or pursuance of the objective and purposes in this article shall be considered for the benefit of the Ohio jurisdiction. However, any activity that are not in furtherance of this chapter exempt charitable purpose, shall be only a insubstantial part of the chapters activities.
Article III
A. This organization shall be composed of Master Masons recognized by the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio. As of August 21, 2022, upon approval of the Widows Sons Ohio Grand Chapter, petitions for membership in descendant chapters can be accepted from those who have successfully petitioned and are in good standing under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio. Such members accepted in Widows Sons cannot be considered for Full membership and thus for any office or vote in any business matters until they are advanced to the degree of Master Mason and receive Full membership status. In addition to good Masonic standing, the Full membership status may only be awarded provided the applicant has a valid drivers license with motorcycle endorsement, and be prepared to present a copy of it, and proof of insurance to the Chapter President or his designee, and other requirements of Art VII Sec. 2. Full members shall be the only individuals eligible for chapter elected office and voting privileges of the Chapter's business.
1.B New Member of the Overseers Chapter will be required to serve a 'Good Intention” period of no more than one (1) year, and no less than three (3) months, before being accepted as a Full Member into the Overseers Chapter. (Ref: Art VIII Sec 3)
1.C Associate Membership shall be allowed under this article provided that the only allowances are the absence of a motorcycle and/or incomplete Masonic degree work for a petitioner's Full membership requirement. The Master Mason requirement of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association may not be made an exception by any chapter or president. Associate Members accepted into the Widows Sons who are not yet Master Masons, are required to complete their degree work within 1 year of membership. Associates who are Masons and have been unable to complete their degree within 1 year, must provide the Chapter Secretary with a written explanation, signed by their Lodge Secretary and Worshipful Master. Master Masons who do not meet motorcycle requirements due to financial and/or health issues are encouraged to ride and become highly involved to compensate for lack of proper Widows Sons transportation. Upon completion of Masonic Degree work and/or motorcycle attainment, an Associate may request Full membership provided sufficient proof is supplied, and any disparity in dues are paid current. Associate Members may attend and participate in meetings and events, but may not be elected to or hold any officer position, in addition shall not be entitled to vote on any chapter business. (Ref: OGC Art III Sec A.B)
1.D The president shall approve Companions / Auxiliary memberships to non-masonic females provided only if the relationship is to a Master Mason of Full Membership status of the Chapter. This status is dependent upon the relation's eligibility and shall be revoked upon the un-affiliation of the Full member, or separation of the couple. Companions may attend and participate in all meetings and events, but may not hold any office and shall not be entitle to vote on chapter business.
1.E The Chapter may approve Companion/Auxiliary Membership to male, non-masons,
for a period of one year. This shall be strictly dependent upon the motorcycle requirement, and recommendation of two (2) Full members. This exception should be supervised closely and is intended only to promote a rider's interest in becoming a Freemason within Ohio. They should be interested and active, but shall not hold office or entitled to vote. All chapters upon implementation of this amendment, or creation shall vote into majority acceptance the term 'companion or auxiliary to be used for the male “Companion” membership.
1.F Any Grand Master or Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio or other recognized jurisdiction, shall be granted free Lifetime Membership in the Overseers Chapter if he express such a desire. The only requirement being that he is a resident of this chapter's jurisdiction. (Art 1 Sec.3 A) Ohio Grand Chapter shall be notified of such application.
(Ref OGC Art III 1 A.E)
1.G No other membership are to be granted by the Overseers Chapter or President of the Chapter in accordance with the Ohio Grand Chapter By-Laws. All applications approved by the President shall be recommended, received, balloted and accepted by the Membership at a stated meeting. The Chapter shall encompass Huron, Lorain, Erie, Ashland, Seneca, Crawford and Sandusky counties. Membership is not limited to these areas; however this chapter shall not infringe on other jurisdictions except as allowed by the Ohio Grand Chapter and future descendant chapters of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
(Ref: OGC Art III A.F)
Art III Section 2: Approval & Revocation
A. Membership approval shall be predicated upon the proper application and/or dues in accordance with chapter by-laws. The Chapter shall not process incomplete forms and/or fees. It is the responsibility of the Chapter to investigate all applicants before approval. Petition fees are non-refundable. The Overseers Chapter shall not be limited on quantity of members, with the exception that the minimum requirement to maintain the Overseer Chapter charter shall have five (5) member. (Ref: OGC Art VI Sec 6A)
2.B The Overseers Chapter will not provide Full Membership status to anyone who is not a Master Mason in good standing in the records of his lodge, or any petitioner whose petition has not been accepted by a recognized lodge of The Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio, nor shall they accept into any form of membership, anyone who is a member of a clandestine lodge, or a lodge that is not recognized by The Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio. The Associate and/or Companion Membership are the only exclusion to this requirement. (Ref: OGC Art VI)
2.C Revocation of membership for Un-Masonic conduct and other violations of the Overseers Chapter, Ohio Grand Chapter or Northern Jurisdiction, Widows Sons by- Laws, shall be sufficient reason for immediate expulsion and membership termination.
(Ref: OGC Art VI A-D)
Art III Section 3: Rights and Privileges
A. Each member of this organization shall have equal rights and privileges in connection with attend meetings and participation in the deliberations of such meetings and chapter events, with the exception of committee's and designations of the Chapter President to lead selected events. Voting shall be limited to Officers and Full members who are entitled to one vote each, no proxies are allowed. All deliberations, voting and decisions of the Chapter business shall be by majority voice vote, with the exception of the Annual Elections of Officers.
3.B The Overseers Chapter shall have one (1) delegate, which shall be President of the Chapter who is required to attend the Annual Meeting of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter. In the President's absence, the Chapter may utilize the V.P., Secretary or Treasurer in that order of priority to serve as a delegate, to vote on issues as necessary for the welfare of the organization. There shall be no proxy vote.
Art III Section 4: Code of Conduct
A. All Members, Associates and Companions must abide by the Laws as set by Federal, State and Municipal Statutes. In addition, members are expected to adhere to the Masonic Code of Conduct. Members, Associates and Companions must abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter, and by the By-Laws of the Overseers Chapter. A Member, Associate or Companion in violation of Criminal Status; the Widows Sons Code of Conduct, or the Widows Sons Pledge, is subject to the sanctions as meted by the Chapter President or handed down by the Ohio Grand Chapter Board of Officers, up to and including immediate expulsion. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 2 A)
Article IV
Art IV Section 1: Officers
A. The elected Officers of the Chapter must be Full Members of the Overseers Chapter.
(Art III) The elected Officers of The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sargent at Arms. The Appointed Officers of the Chapter shall consist of Chaplin, Guardian of Membership, and three (3) Trustees. Elected Officers shall be elected and installed to one-year terms at the Chapter's Annual Meeting, and may serve in that capacity for two consecutive terms, The Appointed Chaplain shall serve unlimited consecutive one (1) year terms at the discretion of the Chapter President. The Appointed Trustees shall serve three (3) year terms, limited to one (1) consecutive term. The Guardian of Membership will serve a one (1) year term to two (2) consecutive terms.
1.B The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter, shall be the Grand Board of Officers for all descendant chapters of the association within Ohio.
1.C One Charter Trustee shall leave office annually for the first three (3) years of this chapters existence, thereby providing a rotation that one trustee will be appointed annually.
Art IV Section 2: President
A. The elected President shall be installed by the outgoing president at the annual meeting upon completion of the chapter's vote. The president shall select the appointed officers of the chapter and oversee the installation of officers at the annual meeting following a proper vote of the chapter. The President of the Overseers Chapter shall enforce all provisions of the chapter by-laws and ensure adherence to the Grand Chapter of Ohio Constitution and By-Laws. The President shall have the power to establish such committees he may deem necessary, provided that there shall be a financial audit of any committee. The President will nominate for special election any pro-term officers should any unexpected vacancy occur during an officer's service term. (Art V Sec 4) The President may determine the order of business and shall regulate all debates and the conduct of the members during all meetings, gatherings and events of the chapter. The President will serve as ex-officio of all committees and shall be the tie-breaking vote of all chapter decisions, provided he does not vote twice. The President may serve as Chapter Delegate for the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Grand Chapter and apply his vote(s) to the betterment of the Chapter and Widows Sons Association. The President will have final approval of accepted membership applications, and shall have the power to expel members for reasons set forth in this document, and shall ensure membership compliance and support of the regulations in the Overseers Chapter By-Laws. The Chapter President is the official liaison to the Ohio Grand Chapter and shall be accountable to the Ohio Grand Chapter President, and may be removed from office by said President. (Ref: OGC Art IV Sec 2A)
Art IV Section 3: Vice President
A. The elected Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall preside and perform all duties pertaining to the Office of the President, and render such assistance as may be required. The Vice President will serve as Chief Financial Officer of the Chapter, and shall work closely with the Treasurer, to ensure the stability of the Overseers Widows Sons Chapter. He may be a delegate and have voting privileges at the Ohio Grand Chapter Annual Meeting. (Ref: OGC Art IV 3A)
Art IV Section 4: Secretary
A. The elected Secretary shall keep current records of the proceedings of the chapter and shall keep a separate account register for each member of the Chapter, as well as a summary register for review of the Chapter President. The Secretary is the custodian of the by-laws, and other official documents of the Overseers Chapter. The Secretary shall keep a minute book of all chapter meetings, and maintain records of all chapter events. He shall conduct all chapter correspondence at the direction of the president. He shall issue all notices when directed. The Secretary shall procure, oversee and maintain materials and property respective to the chapter, and maintain an inventory of said regalia. He shall receive all monies paid into the chapter and shall record the amounts in a financial register and into the minutes of each meeting and disburse them over to the Treasurer. The Secretary shall take over the duties of the president in the absence of the president and vice president. He shall present an annual report at the Annual Meeting. The Secretary will provide necessary records to the president or his committees as needed for the betterment of the chapter, and to the Ohio Grand Chapter as required. The Secretary may serve as a delegate to the Ohio Grand Chapter Annual Meeting.
4.B The meeting minutes of the Secretary shall include, at a minimum the date, the brethren and members present, introduction of visiting associate chapters, the opening/closing times, the summary of business for the meeting, any violations or chapter irregularities, he shall include any further documentation requested by the president. The minutes shall be typed and presented for review and approval at the next meeting, and maintained with the records of the chapter.
4.C The Secretary shall forward the monthly meeting minutes of each, including any roster changes to the Ohio Grand Chapter Secretary upon acceptance of said minutes by the chapter. (Ref: OGC Art IV Sec 4A)
Art IV Section 5: Treasurer
A. The elected Treasurer shall have charge of the association's fund (Art X Sec 6) and shall keep regular and accurate accounts of all monies received by such. The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid into the association and shall record the amounts in the monthly financial record which shall become part of the minutes of each meeting. He shall pay them out by the order of the president and the consent of the chapter. He shall keep all funds in deposit with a bank in the name of “The Overseer Chapter”. He shall render a detailed report of the receipts and duly establish disbursements at the annual meeting and at other times as requested by the president or by majority vote of the members present at any stated meeting.
The Treasurer shall take over duties of the president in the absence of the president, vice president and Secretary; he may serve as a delegate with voting privileges to the Ohio Grand Chapter Annual Meeting. (Ref: OGG Art IV 5A)
Art IV Section 6” Sergeant at Arms
A. The elected Sergeant at Arms shall be responsible for posting colors, introductions, accommodating visiting brethren, superintending the membership during meetings, and assisting the Guardian of Membership and Trustees in the performance of their duties and activities. He shall assume other tasks at the discretion of the president. The Sergeant at Arms will be responsible to report violations of the Masonic Code, and/or by-laws of the chapter or Ohio Grand Chapter to the Chapter Secretary and President. The Sergeant at Arms may serve as a voting delegate to the Ohio Grand Chapter Annual Meeting.
(Ref: OGC Art IV Sec 6A)
Art IV Section 7: Guardian of Membership
A. The appointed Guardian of Membership shall ensure that the by-laws are respected, members conduct themselves in a Masonic manner, and that the intentions of the Widows Sons Association are carried out in the best interest of the membership. He shall assist the Vice President with membership petitions and roster changes as requested, he will also assist the Trustees with membership support of their duties. (Ref: OGC Art IV Sec. 7A)
Art IV Section 8: Trustees
A. The three (3) Trustees shall serve jointly as Chapter Road Captains and shall be responsible for organizing rides and events of the chapter, by order of the president, and consent of the chapter. They will oversee and serve as Activity Directors and shall be responsible for fund raising of the chapter.
Art IV Section 9: Chaplain
A. The appointed Chaplain should attend as many meeting/events as possible. His duties consist of leading the chapter in prayer when requested, give membership guidance, and represent the chapter at funerals when called for. He is responsible to install new officers at the Annual meeting, or as needed by the President. The outgoing Chaplain or President may install the new Chaplain. (Ref: OGC Art IV Sec 11A)
Art IV section 10: Annual Report
A. Upon completion of the Annual Meeting, the President and Secretary shall prepare and submit the Overseers Annual Report to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter for review, the annual report will include the by-laws of the Chapter Officers, including contact information, and any further documentation requested by the Ohio Grand Chapter. Said by-laws must conform to the Constitution of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter. (Ref: OGC Art VI Sec 5A)
Art IV Section 11: Affiliation
A. The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall be a descendant chapter of and affiliated with the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter and maintain compliance with the Ohio Grand Chapter Constitution and By-laws.
11.B In order to be and remain an affiliated/descendant chapter of the Ohio Grand Chapter, each officer of the Overseers Chapter must be a full member in accordance with these by-laws, and remain a member in good standing according to the by-laws of the Blue Lodge, of which they hold a primary membership.
11.C The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association is not affiliated with the Masonic Organization of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio with the exception of membership requirements contained herein. (Ref: OGC Art I Sec 3)
Article V
Art V Section 1: Elections
A. An Annul Election of Officers is to be conducted during the Overseers Chapter Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Overseer Chapter Widows Son Masonic Riders Association is heretofore designated as during the month of May. Elected and Appointed
(Ref: Art IV) Officers will be installed and shall assume their duties as of this meeting. The order of the elections shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant at Arms. (Ref: OGC Art VI Sec 1A)
Art V Section 2: Election Eligibility
A. Any, and only Full Members in good standing within their primary Blue Lodge, and Widows Sons Chapter may be considered for chapter office. Candidates must declare their intent in writing to the current President of the Chapter, to run for office no later than 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The President-elect must fill all appointments and vacancies no later than thirty (30) days after taking office. In the case where no Full members are available to accept the positions of Chaplain or Guardian of Membership, any elected officer may assume this duty upon request or appointment by the Chapter President. A Full member that has served as any other Chapter Officer previously for one (1) full term, shall be the only additional requirement to be elected to the Chapter President position.
Art V Section 3: Election Procedure
A. In the case where only one qualified candidate has been nominated for office, the candidate shall be declared elected by acclamation. When more than one candidate has been nominated for office, balloting shall be conducted by paper, secret ballot. All Full members in attendance at the Annual or Special Meeting are required to vote. There shall be no absentee or proxy votes; all voters must be present, as there shall be no voting via email or conference call. A simple majority shall elect a candidate.
3.B In case of a tie or deadlock, a ballot may occur up to three (3) times. In the event a tie is not broken after three ballots, the President shall declare or appoint a winner from the pool of candidates.
3.C A committee of three (3), none of which are candidates for office, shall count ballots.
3.D No member may leave the premises or communicate secretly, or otherwise influence any other member while elections are in progress,
Art V Section 4: Special Elections
A. Any offices vacated due to resignation, the forced removal, or because an officer is unable to complete his term, shall be filled by special election. The President shall set the date for any special election, and direct the Secretary to notify all members no later than 2 weeks prior to the date of the special election in writing, or in person, or the upcoming election. The President may make nominations for vacancies, in addition to volunteers; the thirty (30) day notice of intent is waived for special elections. (Ref: OGC Art VI Sec 4A)
Article VI
Art VI Section 1: Meetings
A. The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall conduct a regular business meetings which will be determined and announced at the Annual Meeting in May and set for the remainder of the year. The months of October through February shall be dark. In the event of holidays or other plausible reasons, the Chapter President may re-schedule to an equally agreeable date for chapter business. Meeting times and locations shall be at the discretion of the President, to the satisfaction, that sufficient decorum and privacy exists to conduct chapter business.
1.B A quorum shall constitute a governing officer and five (5) Full Members in good standing.
1.C Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Roberts Rules of Order.
1.D Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, though it shall not eliminate the need for the regular business meeting to be held.
1.E The Overseers Chapter will hold a minimum of six (6) regular meetings annually.
1.F Violations of Widows Sons Code of Conduct shall be noted in the meeting minutes, and forwarded to Ohio Grand Chapter for investigation.
1.G Meeting Minutes shall be kept and copies submitted to the Ohio Grand Chapter Secretary Widows Sons Association, including all chapter roster changes.
1.H Chapter business shall not be conducted at rides and events, as these do not constitute a proper meeting of the chapter in the Ohio jurisdiction.
Art VI Section 2: Attendance
A. Any member, Associate. Companion, or those who have petitioned for membership may attend the Regular or Special Meetings. Spouses, significant others, family members or guests may not participate when business is being conducted. Exceptions to this article may be made for Special Events, non-stated or special meetings, where guests may be invited to participate in or otherwise support the planning and execution of the chapters event. Any business being deemed as sensitive in nature shall be member only, others will be asked to leave the immediate area, so discussion may be held.
2.B Any officer who cannot attend a meeting shall notify the President, Vice President or Secretary previous to the meeting, at the earliest opportunity.
2.C Officers are strongly encouraged to maintain 100% attendance to meeting and events.
2.D All members are strongly encouraged to attend four (4) of the seven (7) stated meetings.
2.E All members are hereby mandated to attend a minimum of one (1) regular scheduled/stated meeting and one (1) ride/event of the chapter annually. The Chapter President shall mete out violations punishment if this minimum is not adhered to.
Art VI Section 3” Agenda
A. The Procedure for regular stated meetings shall be as follows:
3.B Elections and installations of officers shall be conducted as New Chapter Business.
Art VI Section 4: Travel
A. When a member is traveling, he shall make contact and visit other Widows Sons Chapters in the area of his travels, if within his power. He shall serve as ex-officio the Overseers representative and act as such. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 3)
Art VI Section 5: Attire
A. Members are strongly encouraged to wear a Widows Sons logo at all meetings and events. The logo back patch (or denim vest if one of the Original Chapters) shall be deemed the ideal attire for all official travel, visitations, events and rides. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 5)
Art VI Section 6: Representation
A. All conversations and discussions about Widows Sons matters must stay within the boundaries of this organization. No member of the Widows Sons may speak on behalf of the Widows Sons to any member or representative of a 1% Club, except to state that their chapter is part of an International Motorcycle Riders Association comprised of Masons. Further comments, information or questions must be directed to the Chapter President or Vice President. An exception to this article may be made when a Chapter President extends permission to a member to speak on his behalf. In such a case, the member must accurately report all conversation to his President or Vice President at the earliest possible time.
6.B Members of the Widows Sons who violate this section or cause the Association to experience negative or detrimental relations with any 1% Club, will be subject to immediate suspension from the Overseers Chapter, and referred to the Ohio Grand Chapter.
Article VII
Art VII Section 1: Motorcycles
A. Full members are required to have a minimum vehicle that is capable of maintaining highway speed and requiring a motorcycle endorsement. (Ref: OGC Art VIII Sec 1)
1.B In the event a Full Member disposes of his motorcycle or otherwise prevented from riding (accident/health), he shall be granted a period of 24 months of rehabilitation or to acquire another motorcycle. Failure at completion of this period will automatically suspend his Full membership rights, provided he may request reinstatement as an 'Associate' or 'Companion' Member in accordance with these by-laws. (Ref: OGC Art Viii Sec 1)
Art VII Section 2: Registration and Licensing
A. All members shall keep a current valid registration and vehicle license plate and ensure that their motorcycle is legal and conforms to standards set forth by The State of Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Proof shall be submitted to the Chapter President (or his designee) upon request.
2.B Members shall keep their drivers license and proper endorsement up-to-date in compliance with Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
2.C Members shall maintain proper insurance coverage in compliance with Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. (Ref: OGC Art VIII sec 2)
Article VIII
Art VIII Section 1: Logos & Patches
A. The Secretary of the Chapter will order, arrange payment, hold and distribute patches and all items with the Widows Sons logo for the Overseer Chapter. The cost of the large back patch shall be forty ($40) dollars and the panels forty ($40) dollars per set. Prices shall be subject to change proportionate to the cost to the Chapter.
1.B The Ohio Grand Chapter, and Original 4 Chapters, previous to the 2009 reformation by the Ohio Grand Chapter shall be the only chapters. Members eligible to display Gold borders.
1.C The Overseers Chapter shall only wear regalia with Silver boarders and embroidery.
1.D The Ohio Grand Chapter shall approve the Widows Sons logo patches, and panels issued by the Overseers Chapter to it members.
1.E Embroidery shall remain with the requirements of Article VIII and the Ohio Grand Chapter. This will include 'patches' and 'placement' as noted in Article VIII, Sec 3 of these by-laws. The exception that Officers and Appointees of the Overseers Chapter will use pins on their vests, instead of patches.
Art VIII Section 2: Apparel
A. The Overseers Chapter members are recommended to wear and maintain proper apparel to conform to the events, weather, local regulations and general safety of the member.
2.B The Overseers members are strongly encouraged to wear and affix Widows Sons patches to a black leather vest. (Blue denim vests are only acceptable for the Original four (4) Chapters, which does not include the Overseers Chapter) (Ref: OGC Art X Sec 1.B)
2.C The Overseers Chapter has adopted the black leather vest as the official chapter regalia of the chapter. To maintain continuity within the chapter, all new members will be required to provide said vest for embroidery or patches as issued or specified by the chapter.
Art VIII Section 3: Patches
A. All Members, Associates and Companions will be entitled to wear regalia as follows:
3.B The Regalia, and the Apparel on which it is worn shall be maintained in clean condition. Rips, tears, or other damage shall be repaired with expediency to maintain the image of Masonry, The Overseers Chapter and Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Ohio.
Art VIII Section 4:Placement
A. The following are guidelines for placement of patches:
4.B No member or associate, while wearing Widows Sons apparel or regalia, shall sport any pin, patch, crest, jewelry, or other item that is racist, sexist, inflammatory, or obscene in nature, likely to tarnish the image of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. Those items deemed inappropriate, shall be removed immediately or covered with tape until it can be removed properly. This includes items supportive of 1% Clubs.
Article IX
Art IX Section 1: Events
A. The Overseers Chapter shall have one (1) mandatory motorcycle run or event each year, which shall be voted into acceptance by a member vote within a chapter business meeting. It is a mandatory requirement for each member to participate in at least one (1) annual motorcycle run or event for the calendar year. In cases where a member cannot attend due to family or work conflicts, such members are required to participate financially or by support services for/to the event. Members will wear Widows Sons logos for runs and events, unless specifically denied by other event organizations.
1.B Other runs or events shall be organized for the raising of funds for charities that the Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association has selected, or in support of Ohio Grand Chapter, or other descendant chapters charitable efforts. Notice of upcoming runs and events shall be submitted to the State Controller of the Windows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio for dissemination and support from all chapters. Each chapter will have at least one (1) Annual Run/Event per year to raise funds for their designated charitable organization. All Chapters shall make every attempt to attend other Chapters functions to assist in supporting their charitable efforts.
1.C The name and objective of the other charitable contributions and/or organizations selected by the Chapter shall receive approval from the Ohio Grand Chapter State Controller, being that all descendant chapters within Ohio must receive written dispensation from Ohio Grand Chapter before any fundraising.
Article X
Art X Section 1: Petition Fees
A. Application / Petition fees for membership into the Overseers Chapter of Widows Sons shall be sixty ($60.00) dollars which is non-refundable. Upon acceptance, the petitioner shall submit an additional amount of eighty ($80.00) dollars to process initiation and cover charter expenses. Total submitted for membership shall to one hundred forty ($140.00) dollars
1.B Petition acceptance shall be predicated upon their proper application and dues in accordance with chapter by-laws. The chapter shall not process incomplete forms or fees.
1.C The fees are subject to change pending cost to the chapter for materials and regalia.
1.D These fees may be reviewed and subject to change via a majority vote only once per year, at the Annual Chapter Meeting.
1.E Charter members may contribute additional funds to assist with Chapter startup cost.
(Ref: OGC Art XIII Sec 2.E)
Art X Section 2: Annual Dues
A. The dues of the Overseers Chapter shall be forty ($40.00) dollars per year, and are due by the Annual Meeting in May. Second dues collection will be proceeded at the April meeting and suspended Members, Associates, or Companions shall be ineligible to participate in meetings or activities until dues are paid current. Officers in suspension shall revoke their office. In cases where dues have not been paid by June 1, that Member, Associate or Companion must pay a twenty ($20.00) dollar re-instatement fee, as well as current years dues to have chapter privileges restored. Dues will automatically stay in line with increases in the Ohio Grand Chapter dues and fee changes yearly.
2.B A Chapter may remit dues for members deemed destitute if said member's performance recommends such a grant, and shall vote and be approved by the Chapter.
Art X Section 3: Chapter Fees
A. The Overseers Chapter shall submit the following fees to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter:
Art X Section 4: Justification
A. The following is a breakdown of the fees for petitioners, the total amount of which one hundred and forty dollars ($140.00) shall be included with the membership application.
4.B These amounts and total fees are subject to change based on the cost to the Chapter for admissions, materials, regalia, and Grand Chapter Fees.
4.C This breakdown may be reviewed and subject to change through a majority vote only once per year at the Annual Chapter Meeting.
Art X Section 5: Entitlement
A. Each newly initiated member shall be entitled to receive:
Art X Section 6” Chapter Payments
A. All fees of this chapter shall be paid to the Ohio Grand Chapter within all requirements of these by-lays, and requirements of Ohio Grand Chapter. The Ohio Grand Chapter reserves the right to suspend and revoke the Overseers Chapter shall it become six (6) months in arrears of fees to the Grand Chapter and will remain suspended until payment is current of all per capita taxes, fees, and dues and thus reinstatement of the Overseers Chapter.
(Ref: OGC Art XII Sec 6)
Art X Section 7: Banking
A. A banking account shall be established in the name of the Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio. The Treasurer and Vice President acting Chief Financial Officers of the Chapter, shall maintain the account, all associated transactions, and records. Chapter issued checks shall require two signatures, with the signing authorities designated as the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Signature/Account information shall be updated at the Annual Meeting, as required by the Treasurer for proper use of the account.
7.B An Annual Audit of all chapter accounts is hereby mandated and shall be conducted by a three (3) member committee appointed by the President of the Chapter
7.C Mandatory audits shall be completed thirty days (30) prior to the Annual Meeting, and presented at said meeting, providing accurate financial statement of the chapter.
7.D The President, majority of membership, or the Ohio Grand Chapter, may order additional audits should financial issues of the chapter be suspected. (Ref: OGC Art XII Sec 1)
Article XI
A. An Executive Council consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall hear and rule on any charges or disputes between members, officers, and/or Chapters. If a member is found guilty, the chapter members shall vote on disciplinary action recommended by the Executive Council.
1.B Whenever charges are preferred against any Member or Officer of a Chapter, the charges shall be noted in the meeting minutes. All charges, decisions, and actions shall be filed in writing with the Grand Secretary.
1.C No Member or Officer of the Chapter shall be tried unless the Secretary, or the Guardian of Membership in person, or by certified mail shall serve him with a written copy of such charges. Thereon, the accused shall be required to appear before the Executive Council for a hearing, at the time and place designated by the President or further assigned by the Ohio Grand Chapter. The accused may select only one member, in good standing with his chapter, to assist in his defense. The charging party may select only one member, in good standing with his chapter, to assist him in the presentation of evidence in support of the charges.
1.D Members of one chapter have the right to file charges against members of other chapters. Such charges must be filed with the Board of Officers in the chapter the accused is a member of. All chapters shall forward such charges to the Widows Sons Ohio Grand Chapter who will set a date for a hearing and assume jurisdiction of the charges. Any judgments and/or disciplinary actions meted out by the Grand Chapter, shall be filed in writing to all involved descendant chapter and members.
1.E Upon filing of charges that are of such magnitude and seriousness as to jeopardize the interests of any Chapter, the Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association may suspend such Member, Officer or Chapter, pending a hearing.
Art XI Section 2: Reinstatement
A. All Members, Associates, and Companions subject to suspension and expulsion shall have the right to petition for reinstatement into the Ohio jurisdiction. Such reinstatement shall be received, reviewed, and action taken by the President and/or Chapter that implemented the judgment. Such occurrences shall be reported to the Grand Chapter.
2.B Reinstatement for dues suspension shall be immediate upon payment of a twenty ($20.00) dollars reinstatement fee, the current year chapter dues and other requirements within the by-laws.
2.C Reinstatement for other violations of these by-laws or conduct shall be upon the discretion of the issuing chapter. Such requests shall not be received for a minimum of one (1) year from the original judgment
2.D No Chapter in this jurisdiction shall receive a member that is under expulsion or suspension from any other chapter or jurisdiction.
2.E Members reinstatement petitions that are rejected by a descendant chapter shall have the right to appeal to the Grand Chapter for a hearing and final judgment of the discipline, suspension or reinstatement.
2.F All reinstatement of descendant Chapter President and Officers shall be upon review of the Ohio Grand Chapter, which shall retain the authority to overrule, uphold or otherwise take action on the matter.
2.G All reinstatement's of a descendant chapter's charter shall be upon payment of a non-refundable one hundred dollars ($100.00) reinstatement fee and review by the Ohio Grand Chapter, which shall retain authority on the matter.
Article XII
A. The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter has the authority to suspend, trustee or revoke the Overseers Chapter, its Members, and Officers. In the event the Chapter is suspended, trustee, or revoked, all of its funds, books, papers, patches, and other properties shall be forwarded to the Grand secretary Ohio Grand Chapter, who shall hold them for reorganization. If no reorganization occurs within a period of two (2) years, such funds and property shall be transferred to the Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Ohio.
1.B Members of the Overseers Chapter agree to release, and hold harmless and organizers; officials; sponsors; participants; volunteers; owners, or occupants of premises, vehicles or property used during chapter activities; including, but not limited to, officer members, employees, representatives, and attorneys from all liability for any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees. Bodily and/or emotional injury (including death) or damage arising out of or in any way connected with participation in Overseers Chapter events, or while representing the association at other events.
1.C The chapter shall create, audit and maintain an inventory of all chapter assets and property.
Article XIII
A. All members of this jurisdiction shall be familiar with the membership pledge; descendant chapters should incorporate this pledge into petitions, literature, and meetings as appropriate.
Membership Pledge
“ I pledge that as a Member of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, I above all others shall set a good example and never bring dishonor to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Freemasonry or myself. I pledge that I will support our brethren in the Widows Sons regardless of race, creed color, or national origin, and will never knowingly bring reproach upon a fellow brother of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. I pledge to combat any forces, which would seek to undermine or bring reproach on the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association or its members, and shall always strive to bring respect and dignity to the Widows sons Masonic Riders Association.”
Amendments to the By-Laws
A. The Overseers Chapter by-laws may only be amended in the following manner and/or as further directed by the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter.
b) Chapter Secretary shall investigate and report compliance with the OGC.
B. Changes shall reflect: Amendment #, Article #, Section #, Sub Section #, exact text change, and date of approval/implementation by the Ohio Grand Chapter.
C. By-law Amendments:
Approved this day August 22, 2022 by the Ohio Grand Chapter
________________ __________________
Tim Rose, President Jeffrey Hall, Secretary
Article I: Name
Article II: Purpose
Article III: Membership
Article IV: Officers
Article V: Elections / Appointments
Article VI: Meetings
Article VII: Motorcycles
Article VIII: Logos & Regalia
Article IX: Events
Article X: Finances, Fees
Article XI: Charges & Disputes
Article XII: Property
Article XIII: Membership Pledge
The Overseers Chapter, Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association is dedicated to the
advancement, support, and aspirations of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association and Ohio Freemasonry.
It is the pledge of the membership to support the welfare and general well-being of the International, Northern Jurisdiction and Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
It is the pledge of the membership to obey, without reservation, all laws, edicts and orders imposed on the Overseers Chapter by the President of the Chapter and the Ohio Grand Chapter President of Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
It is the pledge of each member to conduct himself or his business, when wearing the Widows Sons patch, or otherwise representing the Widows Sons in direct accordance to the by-laws of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Mason of Ohio, the Blue Lodge, in which he is a petitioner or member thereof, the Overseers Chapter and the Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
It is the pledge of all members and officers to govern themselves and behave in a manner that exonerates and positively promotes the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, the Overseers Chapter, of which he is a member and Freemasonry in general.
It is the pledge of the Chapter President and Officers to enhance the welfare and general well- being of the Overseers Chapter and the Ohio Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
It is the pledge of the President and his Officers to rule and guide the chapter with regularity, and to base all decisions on the improvement of the Chapter and Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
Article I
Art I Section 1: Name
A. This organization shall be known as The Overseers Chapter: Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Ohio, a “Not for Profit” Organization primary located in Huron, Lorain, Erie, Ashland, Seneca. Crawford and Sandusky counties, State of Ohio with the principle mailing address of: The Overseers Chapter of Widows Sons, 2942 Chenango Rd. Wakeman, Ohio 44889 (Ref: OGC Art I Sec 1.B)
Art I Section 2: Affiliation
A. This organization; The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall be a descendant chapter of and affiliated with the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter and comply with the Grand Chapter Constitution and By-laws. The Overseers Widows Sons in not affiliated with the Masonic Organization of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio with the exception of membership requirements contained herein.
Art I Section 3: Membership
A. The Overseers Chapter reserves the right to and shall have jurisdiction over the principal counties of Huron, Lorain, Erie, Ashland, Seneca, Crawford and Sandusky Counties of Ohio as governed by consideration of the Ohio Grand Chapter. (Ref: OGC Art I Sec 2 B)
Art I Section 4: Revocation
A. The Overseers Chapter of the Ohio Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association reserves the right to issue, deny or revoke membership all all use of the copyrighted Widows Sons patch to any member in which a patch has been issued within the boundaries of the Overseers Chapter, who violated the by-laws of the Grand Lodge F&AM of Ohio, and/or the by-laws of the Overseers Chapter and/or Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons, and/or governs themselves in an un-Masonic manner, and/or brings disgrace or embarrassment to any chapter of the Widows Sons Association, and/or any Blue Lodge, Grand Lodge or body of Masons.
(Ref: OGC Art 1 Sec 4)
Art I Section 5: Resolve
A. This Constitution and By-Laws of the Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall be the governing document of the chapter and shall be in compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter. Use of this document permitted upon submission to and approval of said Ohio Grand Chapter. The Overseers Chapter secretary shall be the custodian of this document with copies on file with the Ohio Grand Chapter. (Ref: OGC Art 1 Sec 5, Art IV Sec 4)
Article II
Art II Section 1: Purpose
A. It shall be the goal and objective of the Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association to persuade and encourage their membership to remain in good standing in the records of the Blue Lodge, to engage in proper conduct and practice reasonable and legal activities designed to demonstrate and influence the positive standards of Freemasonry, Motorcyclist, and Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association to the general public.
(Ref: OGC Art II Sec. 1)
1.B In order to send out a consistent message, the following description shall be given to any member of the public, law enforcement, motorcycle clubs, or Masonic bodies
that inquire what or who the Widows Sons are. 'The Widows Sons is a Masonic Riders Association whose members consist of Freemasons of good standing within their lodge. Chapters exist throughout North America and beyond, with its main purpose to promote Freemasonry among motorcycle riders, and motorcycles to Freemasons, and the public in general. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 4)
Art II Section 2: Conduct
A. This organization shall not engage in political, religious activities or conduct that promotes separation rather than unity, or cause disharmony within the chapter. It is the duty of the Chapter President to cease any inharmonious activity that may cause disagreement or controversy in this chapter.
2.B Any member who is proven to disregard or disobey a direct order by the president, to cease any activity determined by the by the president to injurious to the chapter, will be expelled from the chapter. Neglect or weak enforcement of this policy is grounds for the Grand Chapter to remove a president and/or his officers from their office.
2.C No Member shall be a member of or wear apparel or otherwise show support for
any 1% Club or Organization.
2.D It shall be the intention of this chapter to obtain proper, reasonable and legal means
whereby we may protect the Overseers Chapter and/or Widows Sons Association from any threat caused by person(s) outside or within any chapter. It shall be the goal of this chapter to file in writing to the Ohio Grand Chapter within five (5) business days any potential violations of this section. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 2)
Art II Section 3: Objective
A. It shall be the objective of this chapter of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Ohio to contribute to the relief of the Widows of Master Masons within the boundaries of this jurisdiction and/or to endeavor in and/or to promote and contribute to other community and charitable efforts, specifically including the support of Masonic related charities and other Widows Sons chapters in the Ohio jurisdiction. (Ref: OGC Art II Sec 2 A)
Art II Section 4: Goals
A. It shall further be a goal and objectives of this organization to manage, invest, expand or otherwise use forbids, property, and personnel of the organization to achieve objectives set forth in this constitution and for such additional purpose to further the interest of the Overseers Chapter members directly or indirectly, however this chapter shall not engage, other than as an insubstantial part of its activities, in activities not in furtherance of the organization's charitable purpose, specifically including the support of Masonic related charities and other Widows Sons Chapters in Ohio. (Ref: OGC Art II Sec 2 A&B)
Art II Section 5: Interest
A. We recognize that our organization is not limited to those things and objective which directly affect those matters and things set out in this article, but extend to all types of economic and social activities, including, but not limited to activities of fraternal, charitable, welfare, and of social nature which directly or indirectly furthers the interests of the organization or it's members. Participation in, or pursuance of the objective and purposes in this article shall be considered for the benefit of the Ohio jurisdiction. However, any activity that are not in furtherance of this chapter exempt charitable purpose, shall be only a insubstantial part of the chapters activities.
Article III
A. This organization shall be composed of Master Masons recognized by the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio. As of August 21, 2022, upon approval of the Widows Sons Ohio Grand Chapter, petitions for membership in descendant chapters can be accepted from those who have successfully petitioned and are in good standing under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio. Such members accepted in Widows Sons cannot be considered for Full membership and thus for any office or vote in any business matters until they are advanced to the degree of Master Mason and receive Full membership status. In addition to good Masonic standing, the Full membership status may only be awarded provided the applicant has a valid drivers license with motorcycle endorsement, and be prepared to present a copy of it, and proof of insurance to the Chapter President or his designee, and other requirements of Art VII Sec. 2. Full members shall be the only individuals eligible for chapter elected office and voting privileges of the Chapter's business.
1.B New Member of the Overseers Chapter will be required to serve a 'Good Intention” period of no more than one (1) year, and no less than three (3) months, before being accepted as a Full Member into the Overseers Chapter. (Ref: Art VIII Sec 3)
1.C Associate Membership shall be allowed under this article provided that the only allowances are the absence of a motorcycle and/or incomplete Masonic degree work for a petitioner's Full membership requirement. The Master Mason requirement of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association may not be made an exception by any chapter or president. Associate Members accepted into the Widows Sons who are not yet Master Masons, are required to complete their degree work within 1 year of membership. Associates who are Masons and have been unable to complete their degree within 1 year, must provide the Chapter Secretary with a written explanation, signed by their Lodge Secretary and Worshipful Master. Master Masons who do not meet motorcycle requirements due to financial and/or health issues are encouraged to ride and become highly involved to compensate for lack of proper Widows Sons transportation. Upon completion of Masonic Degree work and/or motorcycle attainment, an Associate may request Full membership provided sufficient proof is supplied, and any disparity in dues are paid current. Associate Members may attend and participate in meetings and events, but may not be elected to or hold any officer position, in addition shall not be entitled to vote on any chapter business. (Ref: OGC Art III Sec A.B)
1.D The president shall approve Companions / Auxiliary memberships to non-masonic females provided only if the relationship is to a Master Mason of Full Membership status of the Chapter. This status is dependent upon the relation's eligibility and shall be revoked upon the un-affiliation of the Full member, or separation of the couple. Companions may attend and participate in all meetings and events, but may not hold any office and shall not be entitle to vote on chapter business.
1.E The Chapter may approve Companion/Auxiliary Membership to male, non-masons,
for a period of one year. This shall be strictly dependent upon the motorcycle requirement, and recommendation of two (2) Full members. This exception should be supervised closely and is intended only to promote a rider's interest in becoming a Freemason within Ohio. They should be interested and active, but shall not hold office or entitled to vote. All chapters upon implementation of this amendment, or creation shall vote into majority acceptance the term 'companion or auxiliary to be used for the male “Companion” membership.
1.F Any Grand Master or Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio or other recognized jurisdiction, shall be granted free Lifetime Membership in the Overseers Chapter if he express such a desire. The only requirement being that he is a resident of this chapter's jurisdiction. (Art 1 Sec.3 A) Ohio Grand Chapter shall be notified of such application.
(Ref OGC Art III 1 A.E)
1.G No other membership are to be granted by the Overseers Chapter or President of the Chapter in accordance with the Ohio Grand Chapter By-Laws. All applications approved by the President shall be recommended, received, balloted and accepted by the Membership at a stated meeting. The Chapter shall encompass Huron, Lorain, Erie, Ashland, Seneca, Crawford and Sandusky counties. Membership is not limited to these areas; however this chapter shall not infringe on other jurisdictions except as allowed by the Ohio Grand Chapter and future descendant chapters of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.
(Ref: OGC Art III A.F)
Art III Section 2: Approval & Revocation
A. Membership approval shall be predicated upon the proper application and/or dues in accordance with chapter by-laws. The Chapter shall not process incomplete forms and/or fees. It is the responsibility of the Chapter to investigate all applicants before approval. Petition fees are non-refundable. The Overseers Chapter shall not be limited on quantity of members, with the exception that the minimum requirement to maintain the Overseer Chapter charter shall have five (5) member. (Ref: OGC Art VI Sec 6A)
2.B The Overseers Chapter will not provide Full Membership status to anyone who is not a Master Mason in good standing in the records of his lodge, or any petitioner whose petition has not been accepted by a recognized lodge of The Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio, nor shall they accept into any form of membership, anyone who is a member of a clandestine lodge, or a lodge that is not recognized by The Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio. The Associate and/or Companion Membership are the only exclusion to this requirement. (Ref: OGC Art VI)
2.C Revocation of membership for Un-Masonic conduct and other violations of the Overseers Chapter, Ohio Grand Chapter or Northern Jurisdiction, Widows Sons by- Laws, shall be sufficient reason for immediate expulsion and membership termination.
(Ref: OGC Art VI A-D)
Art III Section 3: Rights and Privileges
A. Each member of this organization shall have equal rights and privileges in connection with attend meetings and participation in the deliberations of such meetings and chapter events, with the exception of committee's and designations of the Chapter President to lead selected events. Voting shall be limited to Officers and Full members who are entitled to one vote each, no proxies are allowed. All deliberations, voting and decisions of the Chapter business shall be by majority voice vote, with the exception of the Annual Elections of Officers.
3.B The Overseers Chapter shall have one (1) delegate, which shall be President of the Chapter who is required to attend the Annual Meeting of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter. In the President's absence, the Chapter may utilize the V.P., Secretary or Treasurer in that order of priority to serve as a delegate, to vote on issues as necessary for the welfare of the organization. There shall be no proxy vote.
Art III Section 4: Code of Conduct
A. All Members, Associates and Companions must abide by the Laws as set by Federal, State and Municipal Statutes. In addition, members are expected to adhere to the Masonic Code of Conduct. Members, Associates and Companions must abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter, and by the By-Laws of the Overseers Chapter. A Member, Associate or Companion in violation of Criminal Status; the Widows Sons Code of Conduct, or the Widows Sons Pledge, is subject to the sanctions as meted by the Chapter President or handed down by the Ohio Grand Chapter Board of Officers, up to and including immediate expulsion. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 2 A)
Article IV
Art IV Section 1: Officers
A. The elected Officers of the Chapter must be Full Members of the Overseers Chapter.
(Art III) The elected Officers of The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sargent at Arms. The Appointed Officers of the Chapter shall consist of Chaplin, Guardian of Membership, and three (3) Trustees. Elected Officers shall be elected and installed to one-year terms at the Chapter's Annual Meeting, and may serve in that capacity for two consecutive terms, The Appointed Chaplain shall serve unlimited consecutive one (1) year terms at the discretion of the Chapter President. The Appointed Trustees shall serve three (3) year terms, limited to one (1) consecutive term. The Guardian of Membership will serve a one (1) year term to two (2) consecutive terms.
1.B The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter, shall be the Grand Board of Officers for all descendant chapters of the association within Ohio.
1.C One Charter Trustee shall leave office annually for the first three (3) years of this chapters existence, thereby providing a rotation that one trustee will be appointed annually.
Art IV Section 2: President
A. The elected President shall be installed by the outgoing president at the annual meeting upon completion of the chapter's vote. The president shall select the appointed officers of the chapter and oversee the installation of officers at the annual meeting following a proper vote of the chapter. The President of the Overseers Chapter shall enforce all provisions of the chapter by-laws and ensure adherence to the Grand Chapter of Ohio Constitution and By-Laws. The President shall have the power to establish such committees he may deem necessary, provided that there shall be a financial audit of any committee. The President will nominate for special election any pro-term officers should any unexpected vacancy occur during an officer's service term. (Art V Sec 4) The President may determine the order of business and shall regulate all debates and the conduct of the members during all meetings, gatherings and events of the chapter. The President will serve as ex-officio of all committees and shall be the tie-breaking vote of all chapter decisions, provided he does not vote twice. The President may serve as Chapter Delegate for the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Grand Chapter and apply his vote(s) to the betterment of the Chapter and Widows Sons Association. The President will have final approval of accepted membership applications, and shall have the power to expel members for reasons set forth in this document, and shall ensure membership compliance and support of the regulations in the Overseers Chapter By-Laws. The Chapter President is the official liaison to the Ohio Grand Chapter and shall be accountable to the Ohio Grand Chapter President, and may be removed from office by said President. (Ref: OGC Art IV Sec 2A)
Art IV Section 3: Vice President
A. The elected Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall preside and perform all duties pertaining to the Office of the President, and render such assistance as may be required. The Vice President will serve as Chief Financial Officer of the Chapter, and shall work closely with the Treasurer, to ensure the stability of the Overseers Widows Sons Chapter. He may be a delegate and have voting privileges at the Ohio Grand Chapter Annual Meeting. (Ref: OGC Art IV 3A)
Art IV Section 4: Secretary
A. The elected Secretary shall keep current records of the proceedings of the chapter and shall keep a separate account register for each member of the Chapter, as well as a summary register for review of the Chapter President. The Secretary is the custodian of the by-laws, and other official documents of the Overseers Chapter. The Secretary shall keep a minute book of all chapter meetings, and maintain records of all chapter events. He shall conduct all chapter correspondence at the direction of the president. He shall issue all notices when directed. The Secretary shall procure, oversee and maintain materials and property respective to the chapter, and maintain an inventory of said regalia. He shall receive all monies paid into the chapter and shall record the amounts in a financial register and into the minutes of each meeting and disburse them over to the Treasurer. The Secretary shall take over the duties of the president in the absence of the president and vice president. He shall present an annual report at the Annual Meeting. The Secretary will provide necessary records to the president or his committees as needed for the betterment of the chapter, and to the Ohio Grand Chapter as required. The Secretary may serve as a delegate to the Ohio Grand Chapter Annual Meeting.
4.B The meeting minutes of the Secretary shall include, at a minimum the date, the brethren and members present, introduction of visiting associate chapters, the opening/closing times, the summary of business for the meeting, any violations or chapter irregularities, he shall include any further documentation requested by the president. The minutes shall be typed and presented for review and approval at the next meeting, and maintained with the records of the chapter.
4.C The Secretary shall forward the monthly meeting minutes of each, including any roster changes to the Ohio Grand Chapter Secretary upon acceptance of said minutes by the chapter. (Ref: OGC Art IV Sec 4A)
Art IV Section 5: Treasurer
A. The elected Treasurer shall have charge of the association's fund (Art X Sec 6) and shall keep regular and accurate accounts of all monies received by such. The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid into the association and shall record the amounts in the monthly financial record which shall become part of the minutes of each meeting. He shall pay them out by the order of the president and the consent of the chapter. He shall keep all funds in deposit with a bank in the name of “The Overseer Chapter”. He shall render a detailed report of the receipts and duly establish disbursements at the annual meeting and at other times as requested by the president or by majority vote of the members present at any stated meeting.
The Treasurer shall take over duties of the president in the absence of the president, vice president and Secretary; he may serve as a delegate with voting privileges to the Ohio Grand Chapter Annual Meeting. (Ref: OGG Art IV 5A)
Art IV Section 6” Sergeant at Arms
A. The elected Sergeant at Arms shall be responsible for posting colors, introductions, accommodating visiting brethren, superintending the membership during meetings, and assisting the Guardian of Membership and Trustees in the performance of their duties and activities. He shall assume other tasks at the discretion of the president. The Sergeant at Arms will be responsible to report violations of the Masonic Code, and/or by-laws of the chapter or Ohio Grand Chapter to the Chapter Secretary and President. The Sergeant at Arms may serve as a voting delegate to the Ohio Grand Chapter Annual Meeting.
(Ref: OGC Art IV Sec 6A)
Art IV Section 7: Guardian of Membership
A. The appointed Guardian of Membership shall ensure that the by-laws are respected, members conduct themselves in a Masonic manner, and that the intentions of the Widows Sons Association are carried out in the best interest of the membership. He shall assist the Vice President with membership petitions and roster changes as requested, he will also assist the Trustees with membership support of their duties. (Ref: OGC Art IV Sec. 7A)
Art IV Section 8: Trustees
A. The three (3) Trustees shall serve jointly as Chapter Road Captains and shall be responsible for organizing rides and events of the chapter, by order of the president, and consent of the chapter. They will oversee and serve as Activity Directors and shall be responsible for fund raising of the chapter.
Art IV Section 9: Chaplain
A. The appointed Chaplain should attend as many meeting/events as possible. His duties consist of leading the chapter in prayer when requested, give membership guidance, and represent the chapter at funerals when called for. He is responsible to install new officers at the Annual meeting, or as needed by the President. The outgoing Chaplain or President may install the new Chaplain. (Ref: OGC Art IV Sec 11A)
Art IV section 10: Annual Report
A. Upon completion of the Annual Meeting, the President and Secretary shall prepare and submit the Overseers Annual Report to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter for review, the annual report will include the by-laws of the Chapter Officers, including contact information, and any further documentation requested by the Ohio Grand Chapter. Said by-laws must conform to the Constitution of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter. (Ref: OGC Art VI Sec 5A)
Art IV Section 11: Affiliation
A. The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall be a descendant chapter of and affiliated with the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter and maintain compliance with the Ohio Grand Chapter Constitution and By-laws.
11.B In order to be and remain an affiliated/descendant chapter of the Ohio Grand Chapter, each officer of the Overseers Chapter must be a full member in accordance with these by-laws, and remain a member in good standing according to the by-laws of the Blue Lodge, of which they hold a primary membership.
11.C The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association is not affiliated with the Masonic Organization of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Ohio with the exception of membership requirements contained herein. (Ref: OGC Art I Sec 3)
Article V
Art V Section 1: Elections
A. An Annul Election of Officers is to be conducted during the Overseers Chapter Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Overseer Chapter Widows Son Masonic Riders Association is heretofore designated as during the month of May. Elected and Appointed
(Ref: Art IV) Officers will be installed and shall assume their duties as of this meeting. The order of the elections shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant at Arms. (Ref: OGC Art VI Sec 1A)
Art V Section 2: Election Eligibility
A. Any, and only Full Members in good standing within their primary Blue Lodge, and Widows Sons Chapter may be considered for chapter office. Candidates must declare their intent in writing to the current President of the Chapter, to run for office no later than 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The President-elect must fill all appointments and vacancies no later than thirty (30) days after taking office. In the case where no Full members are available to accept the positions of Chaplain or Guardian of Membership, any elected officer may assume this duty upon request or appointment by the Chapter President. A Full member that has served as any other Chapter Officer previously for one (1) full term, shall be the only additional requirement to be elected to the Chapter President position.
Art V Section 3: Election Procedure
A. In the case where only one qualified candidate has been nominated for office, the candidate shall be declared elected by acclamation. When more than one candidate has been nominated for office, balloting shall be conducted by paper, secret ballot. All Full members in attendance at the Annual or Special Meeting are required to vote. There shall be no absentee or proxy votes; all voters must be present, as there shall be no voting via email or conference call. A simple majority shall elect a candidate.
3.B In case of a tie or deadlock, a ballot may occur up to three (3) times. In the event a tie is not broken after three ballots, the President shall declare or appoint a winner from the pool of candidates.
3.C A committee of three (3), none of which are candidates for office, shall count ballots.
3.D No member may leave the premises or communicate secretly, or otherwise influence any other member while elections are in progress,
Art V Section 4: Special Elections
A. Any offices vacated due to resignation, the forced removal, or because an officer is unable to complete his term, shall be filled by special election. The President shall set the date for any special election, and direct the Secretary to notify all members no later than 2 weeks prior to the date of the special election in writing, or in person, or the upcoming election. The President may make nominations for vacancies, in addition to volunteers; the thirty (30) day notice of intent is waived for special elections. (Ref: OGC Art VI Sec 4A)
Article VI
Art VI Section 1: Meetings
A. The Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association shall conduct a regular business meetings which will be determined and announced at the Annual Meeting in May and set for the remainder of the year. The months of October through February shall be dark. In the event of holidays or other plausible reasons, the Chapter President may re-schedule to an equally agreeable date for chapter business. Meeting times and locations shall be at the discretion of the President, to the satisfaction, that sufficient decorum and privacy exists to conduct chapter business.
1.B A quorum shall constitute a governing officer and five (5) Full Members in good standing.
1.C Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Roberts Rules of Order.
1.D Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President, though it shall not eliminate the need for the regular business meeting to be held.
1.E The Overseers Chapter will hold a minimum of six (6) regular meetings annually.
1.F Violations of Widows Sons Code of Conduct shall be noted in the meeting minutes, and forwarded to Ohio Grand Chapter for investigation.
1.G Meeting Minutes shall be kept and copies submitted to the Ohio Grand Chapter Secretary Widows Sons Association, including all chapter roster changes.
1.H Chapter business shall not be conducted at rides and events, as these do not constitute a proper meeting of the chapter in the Ohio jurisdiction.
Art VI Section 2: Attendance
A. Any member, Associate. Companion, or those who have petitioned for membership may attend the Regular or Special Meetings. Spouses, significant others, family members or guests may not participate when business is being conducted. Exceptions to this article may be made for Special Events, non-stated or special meetings, where guests may be invited to participate in or otherwise support the planning and execution of the chapters event. Any business being deemed as sensitive in nature shall be member only, others will be asked to leave the immediate area, so discussion may be held.
2.B Any officer who cannot attend a meeting shall notify the President, Vice President or Secretary previous to the meeting, at the earliest opportunity.
2.C Officers are strongly encouraged to maintain 100% attendance to meeting and events.
2.D All members are strongly encouraged to attend four (4) of the seven (7) stated meetings.
2.E All members are hereby mandated to attend a minimum of one (1) regular scheduled/stated meeting and one (1) ride/event of the chapter annually. The Chapter President shall mete out violations punishment if this minimum is not adhered to.
Art VI Section 3” Agenda
A. The Procedure for regular stated meetings shall be as follows:
- Call to Order.
- Presentation of National colors, Pledge of Allegiance.
- Opening Prayer.
- Reading and Approval of the minutes of previous meeting.
- Report of the Treasurer.
- Reading of Applications/Correspondences and action thereon.
- Recognition of Guests & Brethren visiting from other chapters.
- Old Chapter Business.
- Report of Committees.
- New Chapter Business.
- Award Presentations.
- General Announcement.
- Closing Prayer.
- Adjournment
3.B Elections and installations of officers shall be conducted as New Chapter Business.
Art VI Section 4: Travel
A. When a member is traveling, he shall make contact and visit other Widows Sons Chapters in the area of his travels, if within his power. He shall serve as ex-officio the Overseers representative and act as such. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 3)
Art VI Section 5: Attire
A. Members are strongly encouraged to wear a Widows Sons logo at all meetings and events. The logo back patch (or denim vest if one of the Original Chapters) shall be deemed the ideal attire for all official travel, visitations, events and rides. (Ref: OGC Art V Sec 5)
Art VI Section 6: Representation
A. All conversations and discussions about Widows Sons matters must stay within the boundaries of this organization. No member of the Widows Sons may speak on behalf of the Widows Sons to any member or representative of a 1% Club, except to state that their chapter is part of an International Motorcycle Riders Association comprised of Masons. Further comments, information or questions must be directed to the Chapter President or Vice President. An exception to this article may be made when a Chapter President extends permission to a member to speak on his behalf. In such a case, the member must accurately report all conversation to his President or Vice President at the earliest possible time.
6.B Members of the Widows Sons who violate this section or cause the Association to experience negative or detrimental relations with any 1% Club, will be subject to immediate suspension from the Overseers Chapter, and referred to the Ohio Grand Chapter.
Article VII
Art VII Section 1: Motorcycles
A. Full members are required to have a minimum vehicle that is capable of maintaining highway speed and requiring a motorcycle endorsement. (Ref: OGC Art VIII Sec 1)
1.B In the event a Full Member disposes of his motorcycle or otherwise prevented from riding (accident/health), he shall be granted a period of 24 months of rehabilitation or to acquire another motorcycle. Failure at completion of this period will automatically suspend his Full membership rights, provided he may request reinstatement as an 'Associate' or 'Companion' Member in accordance with these by-laws. (Ref: OGC Art Viii Sec 1)
Art VII Section 2: Registration and Licensing
A. All members shall keep a current valid registration and vehicle license plate and ensure that their motorcycle is legal and conforms to standards set forth by The State of Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Proof shall be submitted to the Chapter President (or his designee) upon request.
2.B Members shall keep their drivers license and proper endorsement up-to-date in compliance with Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
2.C Members shall maintain proper insurance coverage in compliance with Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. (Ref: OGC Art VIII sec 2)
Article VIII
Art VIII Section 1: Logos & Patches
A. The Secretary of the Chapter will order, arrange payment, hold and distribute patches and all items with the Widows Sons logo for the Overseer Chapter. The cost of the large back patch shall be forty ($40) dollars and the panels forty ($40) dollars per set. Prices shall be subject to change proportionate to the cost to the Chapter.
1.B The Ohio Grand Chapter, and Original 4 Chapters, previous to the 2009 reformation by the Ohio Grand Chapter shall be the only chapters. Members eligible to display Gold borders.
1.C The Overseers Chapter shall only wear regalia with Silver boarders and embroidery.
1.D The Ohio Grand Chapter shall approve the Widows Sons logo patches, and panels issued by the Overseers Chapter to it members.
1.E Embroidery shall remain with the requirements of Article VIII and the Ohio Grand Chapter. This will include 'patches' and 'placement' as noted in Article VIII, Sec 3 of these by-laws. The exception that Officers and Appointees of the Overseers Chapter will use pins on their vests, instead of patches.
Art VIII Section 2: Apparel
A. The Overseers Chapter members are recommended to wear and maintain proper apparel to conform to the events, weather, local regulations and general safety of the member.
2.B The Overseers members are strongly encouraged to wear and affix Widows Sons patches to a black leather vest. (Blue denim vests are only acceptable for the Original four (4) Chapters, which does not include the Overseers Chapter) (Ref: OGC Art X Sec 1.B)
2.C The Overseers Chapter has adopted the black leather vest as the official chapter regalia of the chapter. To maintain continuity within the chapter, all new members will be required to provide said vest for embroidery or patches as issued or specified by the chapter.
Art VIII Section 3: Patches
A. All Members, Associates and Companions will be entitled to wear regalia as follows:
- Full Members shall be entitled to wear all patches as described in Section 4 of these by-laws.
- New Members, who are Master Masons and are completing a 'Good Intention” period of no more than 1 year, and no less than 3 months, will receive an American Flag Patch, a Square and Compass patch, a Top Widows Sons panel and Overseers panel.
- Associates shall be entitled to wear the Back patch without the working tools, upper panel, American Flag, and the Associate panel in lieu of 'Masonic Riders Assn.' panel.
- Companions may wear a back patch without the working tools, upper panel, American Flag, and the Companion panel in lieu of the 'Masonic Riders Assn.' panel.
- The original Charter Members shall also be entitled to wear 'Charter Member' or equivalent patch.
- A small American Flag (approximately 2” x 3”)
- A Square and Compass patch (approximately 2” x 2”)
- Current Officers shall wear title patch or pin on left breast below the American Flag.
- 'Past President' patch may be worn by such persons.
- 'Charter Member' or equivalent patch may be worn by such persons.
- Members may wear the Ohio State banner/flag on their vest.
- Other patches and pins, especially Patriotic in nature are acceptable.
- State Officers shall wear a black and gold title patch above the regular chapter officer patch.
3.B The Regalia, and the Apparel on which it is worn shall be maintained in clean condition. Rips, tears, or other damage shall be repaired with expediency to maintain the image of Masonry, The Overseers Chapter and Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Ohio.
Art VIII Section 4:Placement
A. The following are guidelines for placement of patches:
- Main Widows Sons Logo Back Patch to be centered on the back.
- Top Panel, centered above the Main Back patch shall read 'Widows Sons'.
- Lower Panel centered below the Main Back patch shall read 'Masonic Riders Assn.'
- Associate Members, (EA & FC) will be entitled to wear the Main Back patch without working tools, Top Panel to contain 'Widows Sons'. Lower Panel containing 'Associate'. Other patches (flag and name, etc. shall be worn per OGC Art X Sec 4
- Companion panels shall be in place of the 'Masonic Riders Assn.' patch, and be centered below the Main Back patch.
- A small American Flag patch shall be placed on the front above the left breast. No other patch shall be placed above the American Flag,
- A Square and Compass patch placed above the right breast. This patch is to be the uppermost patch on this side.
- 'Past President' patch may be worn by such persons, as Officers wear below the Flag Patch.
- 'Charter Member' or equivalent patch may be worn by such persons, located centered below 'Masonic Riders Assn.' panel.
- Other patches and pins, are acceptable, so far as they do not detract from the main patches already covered.
- State Officers shall wear black & gold title patches above the regular chapter officer patch or pin.
4.B No member or associate, while wearing Widows Sons apparel or regalia, shall sport any pin, patch, crest, jewelry, or other item that is racist, sexist, inflammatory, or obscene in nature, likely to tarnish the image of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. Those items deemed inappropriate, shall be removed immediately or covered with tape until it can be removed properly. This includes items supportive of 1% Clubs.
Article IX
Art IX Section 1: Events
A. The Overseers Chapter shall have one (1) mandatory motorcycle run or event each year, which shall be voted into acceptance by a member vote within a chapter business meeting. It is a mandatory requirement for each member to participate in at least one (1) annual motorcycle run or event for the calendar year. In cases where a member cannot attend due to family or work conflicts, such members are required to participate financially or by support services for/to the event. Members will wear Widows Sons logos for runs and events, unless specifically denied by other event organizations.
1.B Other runs or events shall be organized for the raising of funds for charities that the Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association has selected, or in support of Ohio Grand Chapter, or other descendant chapters charitable efforts. Notice of upcoming runs and events shall be submitted to the State Controller of the Windows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio for dissemination and support from all chapters. Each chapter will have at least one (1) Annual Run/Event per year to raise funds for their designated charitable organization. All Chapters shall make every attempt to attend other Chapters functions to assist in supporting their charitable efforts.
1.C The name and objective of the other charitable contributions and/or organizations selected by the Chapter shall receive approval from the Ohio Grand Chapter State Controller, being that all descendant chapters within Ohio must receive written dispensation from Ohio Grand Chapter before any fundraising.
Article X
Art X Section 1: Petition Fees
A. Application / Petition fees for membership into the Overseers Chapter of Widows Sons shall be sixty ($60.00) dollars which is non-refundable. Upon acceptance, the petitioner shall submit an additional amount of eighty ($80.00) dollars to process initiation and cover charter expenses. Total submitted for membership shall to one hundred forty ($140.00) dollars
1.B Petition acceptance shall be predicated upon their proper application and dues in accordance with chapter by-laws. The chapter shall not process incomplete forms or fees.
1.C The fees are subject to change pending cost to the chapter for materials and regalia.
1.D These fees may be reviewed and subject to change via a majority vote only once per year, at the Annual Chapter Meeting.
1.E Charter members may contribute additional funds to assist with Chapter startup cost.
(Ref: OGC Art XIII Sec 2.E)
Art X Section 2: Annual Dues
A. The dues of the Overseers Chapter shall be forty ($40.00) dollars per year, and are due by the Annual Meeting in May. Second dues collection will be proceeded at the April meeting and suspended Members, Associates, or Companions shall be ineligible to participate in meetings or activities until dues are paid current. Officers in suspension shall revoke their office. In cases where dues have not been paid by June 1, that Member, Associate or Companion must pay a twenty ($20.00) dollar re-instatement fee, as well as current years dues to have chapter privileges restored. Dues will automatically stay in line with increases in the Ohio Grand Chapter dues and fee changes yearly.
2.B A Chapter may remit dues for members deemed destitute if said member's performance recommends such a grant, and shall vote and be approved by the Chapter.
Art X Section 3: Chapter Fees
A. The Overseers Chapter shall submit the following fees to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter:
- One time New Member fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) payable within 30 days of new member's acceptance.
- Fifteen dollars ($15.00) per capita tax per year, which is applicable to all Members, Associates and Companions on the Chapter Roster, as of the September meeting deadline for suspension of non payment of dues in the Overseers Chapter.
- Fifteen dollars ($15.00) for every reinstated members from suspension.
- Petition and Initiation fees are payable to the Grand Chapter within thirty (30) days of a new members acceptance into the Overseers Chapter and will be submitted with the monthly minutes and roster report to the Ohio Grand Chapter Secretary.
- Per capita tax is due to the Grand Chapter Secretary by the Ohio Annual Meeting.
Art X Section 4: Justification
A. The following is a breakdown of the fees for petitioners, the total amount of which one hundred and forty dollars ($140.00) shall be included with the membership application.
- Sixty dollars ($60.00) petition fee (submitted with petition: ($15.00 Grand Chapter fee).
- Forty dollars ($40.00) for Large Back Patch.
- Forty dollars ($40.00) for Panel Set.
4.B These amounts and total fees are subject to change based on the cost to the Chapter for admissions, materials, regalia, and Grand Chapter Fees.
4.C This breakdown may be reviewed and subject to change through a majority vote only once per year at the Annual Chapter Meeting.
Art X Section 5: Entitlement
A. Each newly initiated member shall be entitled to receive:
- Large Widows Sons logo Back Patch (as specified in Article VIII)
- Upper 'Widows Sons' Panel
- Lower 'Masonic RA' Panel or Associate, Companion (as specified in Article VIII)
- 'Charter Member' patch for eligible individuals
- Current copy of Chapter By-Laws and Amendments
- Current dues card reflecting current paid membership status to next Annual Meeting, unless within 30 days of Annual Meeting, then dues shall be covered until the subsequent Annual Meeting
Art X Section 6” Chapter Payments
A. All fees of this chapter shall be paid to the Ohio Grand Chapter within all requirements of these by-lays, and requirements of Ohio Grand Chapter. The Ohio Grand Chapter reserves the right to suspend and revoke the Overseers Chapter shall it become six (6) months in arrears of fees to the Grand Chapter and will remain suspended until payment is current of all per capita taxes, fees, and dues and thus reinstatement of the Overseers Chapter.
(Ref: OGC Art XII Sec 6)
Art X Section 7: Banking
A. A banking account shall be established in the name of the Overseers Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio. The Treasurer and Vice President acting Chief Financial Officers of the Chapter, shall maintain the account, all associated transactions, and records. Chapter issued checks shall require two signatures, with the signing authorities designated as the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Signature/Account information shall be updated at the Annual Meeting, as required by the Treasurer for proper use of the account.
7.B An Annual Audit of all chapter accounts is hereby mandated and shall be conducted by a three (3) member committee appointed by the President of the Chapter
7.C Mandatory audits shall be completed thirty days (30) prior to the Annual Meeting, and presented at said meeting, providing accurate financial statement of the chapter.
7.D The President, majority of membership, or the Ohio Grand Chapter, may order additional audits should financial issues of the chapter be suspected. (Ref: OGC Art XII Sec 1)
Article XI
A. An Executive Council consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall hear and rule on any charges or disputes between members, officers, and/or Chapters. If a member is found guilty, the chapter members shall vote on disciplinary action recommended by the Executive Council.
1.B Whenever charges are preferred against any Member or Officer of a Chapter, the charges shall be noted in the meeting minutes. All charges, decisions, and actions shall be filed in writing with the Grand Secretary.
1.C No Member or Officer of the Chapter shall be tried unless the Secretary, or the Guardian of Membership in person, or by certified mail shall serve him with a written copy of such charges. Thereon, the accused shall be required to appear before the Executive Council for a hearing, at the time and place designated by the President or further assigned by the Ohio Grand Chapter. The accused may select only one member, in good standing with his chapter, to assist in his defense. The charging party may select only one member, in good standing with his chapter, to assist him in the presentation of evidence in support of the charges.
1.D Members of one chapter have the right to file charges against members of other chapters. Such charges must be filed with the Board of Officers in the chapter the accused is a member of. All chapters shall forward such charges to the Widows Sons Ohio Grand Chapter who will set a date for a hearing and assume jurisdiction of the charges. Any judgments and/or disciplinary actions meted out by the Grand Chapter, shall be filed in writing to all involved descendant chapter and members.
1.E Upon filing of charges that are of such magnitude and seriousness as to jeopardize the interests of any Chapter, the Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association may suspend such Member, Officer or Chapter, pending a hearing.
Art XI Section 2: Reinstatement
A. All Members, Associates, and Companions subject to suspension and expulsion shall have the right to petition for reinstatement into the Ohio jurisdiction. Such reinstatement shall be received, reviewed, and action taken by the President and/or Chapter that implemented the judgment. Such occurrences shall be reported to the Grand Chapter.
2.B Reinstatement for dues suspension shall be immediate upon payment of a twenty ($20.00) dollars reinstatement fee, the current year chapter dues and other requirements within the by-laws.
2.C Reinstatement for other violations of these by-laws or conduct shall be upon the discretion of the issuing chapter. Such requests shall not be received for a minimum of one (1) year from the original judgment
2.D No Chapter in this jurisdiction shall receive a member that is under expulsion or suspension from any other chapter or jurisdiction.
2.E Members reinstatement petitions that are rejected by a descendant chapter shall have the right to appeal to the Grand Chapter for a hearing and final judgment of the discipline, suspension or reinstatement.
2.F All reinstatement of descendant Chapter President and Officers shall be upon review of the Ohio Grand Chapter, which shall retain the authority to overrule, uphold or otherwise take action on the matter.
2.G All reinstatement's of a descendant chapter's charter shall be upon payment of a non-refundable one hundred dollars ($100.00) reinstatement fee and review by the Ohio Grand Chapter, which shall retain authority on the matter.
Article XII
A. The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association Ohio Grand Chapter has the authority to suspend, trustee or revoke the Overseers Chapter, its Members, and Officers. In the event the Chapter is suspended, trustee, or revoked, all of its funds, books, papers, patches, and other properties shall be forwarded to the Grand secretary Ohio Grand Chapter, who shall hold them for reorganization. If no reorganization occurs within a period of two (2) years, such funds and property shall be transferred to the Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Ohio.
1.B Members of the Overseers Chapter agree to release, and hold harmless and organizers; officials; sponsors; participants; volunteers; owners, or occupants of premises, vehicles or property used during chapter activities; including, but not limited to, officer members, employees, representatives, and attorneys from all liability for any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees. Bodily and/or emotional injury (including death) or damage arising out of or in any way connected with participation in Overseers Chapter events, or while representing the association at other events.
1.C The chapter shall create, audit and maintain an inventory of all chapter assets and property.
Article XIII
A. All members of this jurisdiction shall be familiar with the membership pledge; descendant chapters should incorporate this pledge into petitions, literature, and meetings as appropriate.
Membership Pledge
“ I pledge that as a Member of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, I above all others shall set a good example and never bring dishonor to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Freemasonry or myself. I pledge that I will support our brethren in the Widows Sons regardless of race, creed color, or national origin, and will never knowingly bring reproach upon a fellow brother of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. I pledge to combat any forces, which would seek to undermine or bring reproach on the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association or its members, and shall always strive to bring respect and dignity to the Widows sons Masonic Riders Association.”
Amendments to the By-Laws
A. The Overseers Chapter by-laws may only be amended in the following manner and/or as further directed by the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Ohio Grand Chapter.
- Properly motioned, seconded, and discussed at a regular business meeting, then layover.
b) Chapter Secretary shall investigate and report compliance with the OGC.
- Upon next business meeting, second reading shall be held, with Secretary's report and other information requested by the Chapter President being presented and item opened for general discussion again.
- Chapter membership present must vote and issue deemed approval/rejection by the majority.
- The approval proposed amendment shall then be forwarded to the Ohio Grand Chapter.
- Upon review and approval by the Ohio Grand Chapter, the amendment shall be added to chapter by-law document, and placed into effect on that date.
- Upon next business meeting, second reading shall be held, with Secretary's report and other information requested by the Chapter President being presented and item opened for general discussion again.
B. Changes shall reflect: Amendment #, Article #, Section #, Sub Section #, exact text change, and date of approval/implementation by the Ohio Grand Chapter.
C. By-law Amendments:
Approved this day August 22, 2022 by the Ohio Grand Chapter
________________ __________________
Tim Rose, President Jeffrey Hall, Secretary